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Our Sunday Hike

November 19, 2020 15:48

VoIPLine Travels to the Werribee Gorge Circuit Track

Restrictions have finally eased in Melbourne and our team couldn't wait to get outside! With the newfound ability to travel to Regional Victoria, we arranged a hiking adventure.  At the early time of 4am, we all filled up our water bottles and put on our hiking shoes to explore the stunning views and breathtaking nature that Victoria has to offer.  


Although some of our team experienced technical alarm issues.... the majority of the group arrived at the Werribee Gorge to finally reunite with the team.  Even staff who onboarded 100% remotely were able to meet members of the team face-to-face for the first time. 


After our challenging and rewarding 3-hour circuit walk through the Gorge's terrain, we realised just how lucky we are to have some phenomenal hidden gems in our backyards. The trip gave us a chance to get together before the new year and celebrate the great achievements we have made at VoIPLine during lockdown. 


If you haven't yet visited the Werribee Gorge with your team, I'm sure these photos will change your mind.






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