May 7, 2019
Start switching from PSTN to VoIP
Replacing the corporate communication system can be a daunting prospect. As long as the previous telephone system continues to perform, we tend to prefer..
May 7, 2019
5 Things you need when looking for a cloud-hosted PBX solution
What should your cloud Hosted PBX service provider offer when buying a business cloud Hosted PBX solution?
The answer depends upon your business requirements.
May 7, 2019
7 Questions about SIP trunking
Businesses of all sizes are beginning to make the switch from standard phone lines (ISDN, PSTN) and their costly, inflexible carrier contracts to the..
May 7, 2019
Pros and cons of PRI and SIP
These days, businesses can select between older land-line based phone services (PRI) or internet-based communication services like SIP.
There's no single..
May 7, 2019
How to choose a good VoIP provider
Thinking of switching your business to VoIP? Here are some tips for you:
People often look at the price first and pick a provider offering the lowest..
May 7, 2019
What is PBX and why using cloud-hosted PBX will save you money?
Convenient tool for organising day-to-day communications within and outside the business
Have you ever had to press a specific number to proceed to the..