International phone numbers
Establish a local presence almost anywhere in the world within minutes.
Select a country on the map to explore available phone numbers
North America
Latin America
Middle East
Asia & Asia Pacific
Select a country:
Local numbers
Toll-free and shared cost
Say goodbye to busy lines – each number can handle multiple simultaneous calls
We offer various types of phone
numbers to suit your needs
Instantly activate or port phone numbers anywhere in Australia, whether it's mobile, toll-free, or shared cost numbers.
Frequently asked questions
What is a VoIP international number?
A VoIP international number is a virtual phone number that enables you to make and receive calls, and where supported,
send and receive SMS messages over the internet. These numbers typically consist of a country code, followed by an area code and subscriber number.
What are the benefits of having a VoIP international number?
A VoIP international number offers numerous advantages for businesses, including the ability to easily establish a local
presence in multiple countries. The flexibility of virtual international numbers allows you to use them on any device capable
of handling calls and SMS, extending beyond just traditional phones and mobile devices. Additionally, by leveraging VoIP technology,
these numbers provide a wide range of advanced features beyond those typically available with traditional international numbers.
Can I transfer my existing international number from another provider?
If you're considering migrating your existing international number to VoIPline Telecom,
we're here to help.
You can conveniently track the number porting progress through our customer portal. While waiting for your existing number
to port to VoIPline, we can offer you a temporary alternative number so you can start using our services immediately.
Can I receive calls on my VoIP international number from any country?
Absolutely! VoIP international numbers can receive calls from virtually any location worldwide, provided there are no
regulatory restrictions in place for receiving calls in the country where the phone number is registered.