In this article




When moving your geographic numbers from one telco provider to another, you will most likely run into the terminology "CAT A and or "CAT C". These are the two most common porting classifications for geographic numbers and greatly influence the failure or success of number management.




CAT A or C? 


When a porting application is submitted, it is sent to the losing carrier who will determine what category of port the number is. The most common type is a Simple Port or CAT A port. In the event the simple port fails, it will most likely become a Complex Port or CAT C port. If you are needing to query what category your port is in, contact your current provider or refer to your most recent bill to see if you have any complex services attached.


Simple Port (Category A) 


Category A ports are generally simple and quick, used to move basic telephone services such as fixed PSTN phone lines. Category Aporting applications generally take between 2-10 business days once the request has been accepted by the losing provider.




If the CAT A port progresses with a complex service assigned, it will be rejected under Reason 005 - Unable to Cancel Individual Complex Service - Commsalliance-Reject-Codes-V1-030220.


Upon submitting your CAT A (simple port) application, ensure that there are no complex services assigned to the number. This can be checked either through your current provider or from your most recent invoice. 


Complex Port (Category C) 


Complex ports are used when a number typically has one or more of the following but not limited to:


1.ISDN Services

2.Line Hunt

3.Fax Services

4.Number blocks - Number blocks are classified to be a 'single number', meaning that all numbers associated with that block must be ported

5.ADSL Services

6.Ported from Telstra DOT 


Cat C porting applications generally take between 5-28 business days once the request has been accepted by the losing provider. 




What happens when the port is accepted?




Due to the complex nature of CAT C ports, there are additional steps that are required to be completed prior to your cutover date being booked. This is formulated into two stages:


PNV (Pre-port Number Validation) stage




This stage involves the provision of a regulatory form to allow the gaining carrier to request service number details from the losing carrier This stage takes approximately 10 business days from submission.  (Typically this is where 99% of the rejections will occur)


CNA (Complex Notification Advice) stage




This stage involves the advice contained within a 'Porting Notification Order' being submitted from the Gaining Carrier (C/CSP) to the Losing Carrier (C/CSP) which, provides the initial Porting details for each Telephone Number to be Ported using the Cat-C (Complex) process. The CNA stage takes approximately 6 business days from submission. 


If you are still concerned about your upcoming number port, the best advice we can offer is to get in touch with our number management team who can clarify any concerns.