In this article


We may request alternative authentication documents in some circumstances. Below are the two types of categories we require and the document requirements for each.

Table 1 – Category A Documents


ItemDescription of document
1Australian State or Territory Driver’s Licence issued in the name of the customer by a Commonwealth, State or Territory Department or agency.
2Australian Passport with an expiry date in the future or no more than 2 years in the past.
3A birth certificate issued by an Australian State or Territory government.
4A foreign military ID card.
5A current foreign passport issued by a foreign government that contains a valid entry stamp or visa issued by the Australian government.
6Australian citizenship certificate issued by the Commonwealth government.
7Certificate of identity or Document of identity issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (or by any subsequent Commonwealth Department responsible for issuing a like Certificate of identity or Document of identity at the relevant time).
8Immicard issued by the Department of Home Affairs (or the Commonwealth Government Department responsible for issuing Immicards at the relevant time).
9Indigenous Community Card issued by Services Australia (or the Commonwealth Government agency or department responsible for issuing Indigenous Community Cards at the relevant time).
10Firearms licence issued by an Australian State or Territory Police force and which includes the customer’s, or the customer’s authorised representative’s, photo.
11An Aviation Security Identity Card is issued by a body that is authorised by the Commonwealth government agency or department responsible for giving an entity authorisation to issue an Aviation Security Identity Card which includes the customer’s, or the customer’s authorised representative’s, photo.
12A Maritime Security Identity Card is issued by a body that is authorised by the Commonwealth government agency or department responsible for giving an entity authorisation to issue a Maritime Security Identity Card which includes the customer’s, or the customer’s authorised representative’s, photo.
13Australian Government Photo ID card (employee ID) issued by the relevant Commonwealth, State or Territory government and which includes the customer’s, or the customer’s authorised representative’s, photo.
14Defence Highly Trusted Token issued by the Australian Department of Defence (or the Commonwealth Government Department responsible for issuing Highly Trusted Tokens at the relevant time).
15Defence Force identity card issued by the Australian Defence Force and which includes the customer’s, or the customer’s authorised representative’s, photo.
16Police identity card issued by an Australian State or Territory Police Force and which includes the customer’s, or the customer’s authorised representative’s, photo.
17Prisoner identity card issued by the relevant Australian State or Territory prison authority and which includes the customer’s, or the customer’s authorised representative’s, photo.
18A trade (work or business) licence issued by an Australian State or Territory government and which includes the customer’s, or the customer’s authorised representative’s, photo (e.g. trade licences, real estate agents, security agents etc.).
19Tangentyere Community ID card issued by the Tangentyere Council (or an organisation that replaces the Tangentyere Council) and which includes the customer’s, or the customer’s authorised representative’s, photo.
20Proof-of-Age card issued by an Australian State or Territory government and which includes the customer’s, or the customer’s authorised representative’s, photo.
21Australia Post Key Pass issued by Australia Post and which includes the customer’s, or the customer’s authorised representative’s, photo.
22Working with Children/Vulnerable cards issued by a State or Territory government which includes the customer’s, or the customer’s authorised representative’s, photo.


Table 2 – Category B Documents

ItemDescription of document
1Bank or financial institution card, passbook or statement issued by a bank, credit union or building society. Card statements or passbooks must cover at least 6 months of financial transactions and be in the individual’s name. The individual’s signature must be on the card and their current address on the statement or passbook. Documents from foreign banks or institutions are not acceptable.
2Medicare Card.
3Post-Paid Telecommunications Billing Record issued by an Australian telecommunications company, which must be a statement of account for a post-paid carriage service issued in the previous 12 months, showing the same name and address given by the customer to the carriage service provider prior to a high-risk customer interaction being initiated.
4Rates Notice issued by an Australian local government council in the previous 12 months, showing the same name and address given by the customer to the carriage service provider prior to a high-risk customer interaction being initiated.
5Student ID card issued by an Australian tertiary education institution, Australian secondary school, TAFE or registered training organisation.
6Concession or health care card issued by Services Australia or the subsequent agency or Department responsible for issuing concession and health care cards.
7Veterans Affairs card issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
8A tenancy agreement or lease is a current formal agreement or lease showing the same name and address given by the customer to the carriage service provider prior to a high-risk customer interaction being initiated.
9Motor vehicle registration for a vehicle registered in an Australian State or Territory, being current registration papers with the individual’s name, address and proof of payment, showing the same name and address given by the customer to the carriage service provider prior to a high-risk customer interaction being initiated.
10Electoral enrolment is proof of electoral enrolment showing the same name and address given by the customer to the carriage service provider prior to a high-risk customer interaction being initiated.
11Senior card issued by a State or Territory government to a resident in that State or Territory who is 60 years of age or over.
12A utility account showing the same name and address given by the customer to the carriage service provider prior to a high-risk customer interaction being initiated.