In this article


After reading this article, you will be able to view both your usage history and call history including individual and total costs as well as inbound and outbound call data.




Account History displays the opening and closing balance for a specific time period. The charges for all payments, adjustments, call charges, and other charges such as subscriptions for licenses and hosting fees for DIDs are displayed as totals.

Alternatively, if you click on the drop-down boxes, you will be able to see each individual item and its associated costs for each section.




The Call History tab displays the total calls, duration, and cost for a specific time period. This data can all be filtered to only show desired columns. 

Alternatively, by selecting “Filter” the system can display calls inbound or outbound from individual users, selected Caller IDs or dialed numbers, and termination causes. After filtering the required data, select Apply to save changes.






All reports are able to be emailed to any administrator on the account as required. These can be sent as either a PDF or CSV.

