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Changes to Industry Code C661:2020 REDUCING SCAM CALLS

February 17, 2021 16:22

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Important notice


Please be aware of the following changes implemented by INDUSTRY CODE C661:2020 REDUCING SCAM CALLS affecting the termination of your calls with invalid or banned CLIs.These changes affect the format of the number that is sent by the phone systems as Caller ID. The Industry code now explicitly outlines the allowable formats for the Caller ID.Specific CLIs that have been flagged are:

  • Calls from 13/1300/1800 Numbers: Australian CLIs starting with 13/1300/1800 cannot be used for originating calls and are specifically listed in clause 4.2.8 of C661:2020.
  • Calls from Long CLIs 13 digits or more: calling numbers which have either 13 digits or more. Only international CLIs can have a number length not match the valid Australian CLI length being 11 digits in E.164 format.
  • Calls from Short CLIs 7 digits or less: calling numbers which have either 7 digits or less. Only international CLIs can have a number length not match the valid Australian CLI length being 11 digits in E.164 format.
  • Calls from Invalid AU CLIs: calling numbers that start with Australian country code but either has an incorrect length (11 digits in E.164 format) or incorrect area code or invalid range.

These industry changes are currently being rolled out and to be fully implemented by the industry by March 31, 2021.
Please ensure that you and your customers prepare for this change to avoid issues with call terminations moving forward. 

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