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Fibre, Copper, and Jumpering - The challenge of NBN installations

September 29, 2021 12:26

What is Jumpering? And why do I need to arrange a private technician for my NBN connection? 


Jumpering means: (a) installing a Jumper Cable; and/or (b) otherwise, in respect of a Premises, the physical completion of an electrical circuit between the NBN Co Network Boundaries. Those boundaries outlined by NBN Co is what they call the “termination point” in multi-dwelling or complex buildings (AKA FTTN, FTTB) this is:  


1) The MDF – Main Distribution Frame which is where the main cable from the telephone exchange or node terminates in your property; MDF has two parts to it, the exchange side where the main cable terminates and the occupant’s side where the cables from your unit or office will terminate. MDF is generally found in the basement of buildings and requires building management intervention for access.


The MDF has two distinct ‘sides’ with different responsibilities. When you place an order, NBN co technicians will establish the connection on the MDF to terminate on the ISP (A side).  


Once the (A side) is complete, a jumper-wire needs to be installed on the existing line holding the signal of your tenancy, to the pair on (the B side) which facilitates the connection to your tenancy.  



Image sourced from NBNco - Key information for developers and builders


2) First Socket – in Mainly FTTN sites, if there is no MDF then the responsibility of NBN Co will end at the first point of connection. This is generally determined by the NBN Co contracting technician at the time of installation.  


Beyond the two aforementioned termination points, NBN Co has no obligation to jumper the connection to the premise or desired socket. If your connection is not complete, or you wish for redirection to another socket, private technician services will need to be acquired to finalise the connection beyond the termination point.