February 17, 2021
Changes to Industry Code C661:2020 REDUCING SCAM CALLS
Important notice
Please be aware of the following changes implemented by INDUSTRY CODE C661:2020 REDUCING SCAM CALLS affecting the termination..
November 19, 2020
Our Sunday Hike
VoIPLine Travels to the Werribee Gorge Circuit Track
Restrictions have finally eased in Melbourne and our team couldn't wait to get outside! With the newfound..
November 5, 2020
Navigating the New Norm
Like many industries, COVID-19 has impacted the way VoIPLine Telecom operates. Internally, our team has adapted..
October 31, 2019
How to avoid disruptions when switching to VoIP
Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) was a massive step towards wireless telecommunication and to make the switch to VoIP from the PSTN or ISDN seamless..
October 29, 2019
ISDN and PSTN Shutdown — new VoIP era in Australia
The NBN rollout is well underway, and the ISDN services that power most Australian business communications will begin the disconnection process in September..
October 29, 2019
What equipment is required for Cloud Hosted VoIP systems?
VoIP equipment refers to the physical devices that will allow you to use Voice over IP telephony in a more traditional way, by using a phone on your desk...